Acacia leucophloea, Wild.
(Syn.Mimosa leucophloea.)
Family:Leguminosae _Mimosoideae

Common Name : White barked Acacia

Telugu Name : Tellatumma

General :
Occurs in dry forests, easily distinguished by its panicled, globular inflorescence and stipular thorns. Recommended for plantations in degraded soils and it can also be tried in alluvial soils.
Flowering :
Flowers appear in July-November.
Fruiting :
Pods 10 to 20 by 0.5 to 1 cms in size; linear, sub-indehiscent and glabrous. Seeds 10 to 20, irregularly elliptical, 5 to 6 mm by 4 to 5 mm in size, dark brown, smooth and shining.
Morphology of the Fruit/Seed :
Pods 10 to 20 by 0.5 to 1 cms in size; linear, sub-indehiscent and glabrous. Seeds 10 to 20, irregularly elliptical, 5 to 6 mm by 4 to 5 mm in size, dark brown, smooth and shining.
Seed Seed Collection and Storage :
Ripe pods are collected from the tree, dried in the sun and then beaten with a stick to extract the seeds.
Seed Biology :

No.of seeds per kg.

Germination percentage

Plant percent

Germination period in days

37,000 to 49,000


30 to 42

7 to 32

Pretreatment :
Heating with water (20 times of volume of the seed ) to boiling and then leaving seed in water till cold; or soaking in conc. H2SO4 for 10 to 30 minutes after which the acid is removed and cold water is added.
Nursery Technique :
Plants may be raised in polythene bags by putting 2 pretreated seeds in each polythene bag in May. Germination is noticed within a week. Watering and weeding is done regularly. Plants reach plantable size in the first season itself.